How long would it take to learn to pass HackTheBox or OSCP exam?
by gigaplanet - 09-28-2023, 10:24 PM
I am just wodnering how long with a general understanding of programming how long that type of thing takes?
(09-28-2023, 10:24 PM)gigaplanet Wrote: I am just wodnering how long with a general understanding of programming how long that type of thing takes?

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(09-28-2023, 10:24 PM)gigaplanet Wrote: [font][font]أنا أتساءل فقط عن المدة التي يستغرقها هذا النوع من الأشياء مع الفهم العام للبرمجة؟[/font][/font]

[font][font]بالكثير سنه ونص[/font][/font]

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