Credit System
How to Earn Credits
There are many ways that you are able to earn/get credits on here. We have listed the ways you can earn credits below.

Buying Them
Probably the easiest and quickest way to get credits, you can purchase them in our store. They are fairly priced, and if you have nothing to contribute or you don't want to post it's a great way to get them. You can click here to visit the Store.

Posting Databases // Other Leaks
Sharing content in the Databases & Other Leaks sections require other users to pay credits to unlock your content. Every-time someone unlocks one of your Threads, you earn 6 credits from it.

Posting // Replying to Threads

Below we have answered a few commonly asked questions. If your question isn't answered here, feel free to contact a staff member and ask, we will be happy to answer.

Can I "Cash out" Credits into real currency?
No, and this will be never a feature.

Can I send my credits to another user?
Yes, you can via the "Send Credits" Page. Please note that selling credits is strictly disallowed and will result in a ban.

Why is there a Credits System?
There are multiple benefits to having a system like this. Firstly, it encourages people to be active and share stuff with the community. It also serves as a way for us to pay to improve the forums whenever people buy them.