Privacy Policy
We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.

Informations we collect:
  • IP Address
  • E-Mail Address
  • Useragent
What we use your information for:
We do not share your information with outside parties except to the extent necessary when the law requires us to comply. ;)
  • We use your IP address and useragent to identify the account usage.
  • We use your email address, to also identify the account usage and send out emails for thread subscriptions, forum subscriptions and newsletters, as long as you agreed.
Our commitment to children's privacy:
We never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13. Upon registration all children under 13 are denied.

Any advertisements on the website are hosted locally therefore if you do not click these you will not be sending your information to anyone, if you do click them you will be taken to third party websites and this policy no longer covers you.
Finally, we never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

Ban Policy:
If your account gets banned because you broke our terms of services we take the right to release your information to public viewing.

Last Update: July 30, 2023. (19:06 PM GMT+1)