General Rules
1) General Rules
Your account is your responsibility. You are not allowed to share it, and if it gets hacked you're liable for anything that happens on it.
You cannot make alternate accounts on the forums without permission from an admin beforehand.
Begging for donations from people is not allowed.
Scraping the forums is not allowed unless you have prior approval from staff.
Begging to become staff is not allowed and will result in a negative impact on any future staff applications.
Scamming (or attempting to scam) a member is a permanent ban. If you're banned on any of the follow forums for scamming, you will also get banned on here:,,,, (And any others if we feel the forum is reputable).
Harassing users for no clear or logical reason is not allowed. Be kind.
Any discussion or sharing of CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material), Rape, or Animal Abuse will result in you immediately being banned.
You cannot dox members unless they're permanently banned and it is not a self-ban.
Taking hidden content you unlock and sharing it elsewhere is not allowed. You are only allowed to re-share Databases on our Official CDN in moderation, and given that you leave the credit to us in the archive.
The official Language of the forum is English. Do not speak other languages or you will be punished. This is so we can moderate content better.
2) Posting Rules
"Leeching" is the act of only taking and not giving. We suggest posting some Threads to avoid being banned if you commonly use the forums and reply to a lot of posts to unlock content (This Rule does not apply to Ranked users who people who have paid for Credits).
"Empty Quoting" is the act of quoting a post and adding nothing to your reply (Not even saying "Thanks"). This is strictly disallowed as you are adding nothing to the conversation when doing this. Attempting to bypass blocks for Empty Quoting will result in a permanent ban.
Attempting to post malware is subject to an immediate ban without any possibility to appeal.
Survey, URL Shorteners, Referral links, or any type of "monetized" links are not allowed. This includes upload websites where you earn money for sharing a download.
You may not post a leak simply to entice sales (e.g. Making a thread in the Databases section, sharing only 10k of the records and then asking people to check out your Sales Thread where you're selling the entire Database).
You are only allowed to post NSFW Content in the NSFW Leaks section.
Unlike most forums, you are allowed to talk freely about different forums (e.g. you can mention and talk about,,, etc). You are also allowed to advertise your own forum, given you're following our advertising rules below.
Re-posting content already on the Forums isn't allowed. Search to make sure it isn't already posted.
Titles that are spam, click-bait, or have lots of emojis // special characters in them are not allowed (e.g. "【☄️LEDGER.COM FULL SQL DATABASE☄️】【✔️FREE BITCOINS✔️】【✨UPDATED✨】【❤️LIKE❤️】【⭐2022⭐】"). Keep your titles clear and concise.
You may only bump your Threads once every 24 hours. If you attempt to bypass this rule you will be banned.
3) Advertising Rules
Advertising in your Avatar, Signature & User-title is not allowed unless you have MVP or higher (Note: You can still post a Thread to advertise without a Rank in the Marketplace).
Advertisements in your signature should be products owned by you or something you're affiliated with. You are responsible if something goes wrong with a product you're advertising.
When posting an advertisement Thread please post it in the correct section. All advertisements for products should be posted in the Marketplace section.
4) Marketplace Rules
Under no circumstances are you allowed to sell databases that are public. You are responsible for checking if databases are public before making a sales thread. This rule is very strict and you will be banned. Warnings are usually not handed out.
Claiming a member is a scammer underneath their posts without proof is not allowed. Report the member that scammed you to staff instead so action can be taken and the scammers thread can be deleted.
Proxy selling for someone is allowed, as long as you understand that you're responsible if someone gets scammed. You will be held fully liable as if it was a product you were selling directly.
Posting a sales thread with no sample attached is not allowed and can result in your thread being deleted by staff. If you ignore a staff members request for you to add a sample, you will be banned. This is to stop scammers.
Creating multiple sales threads for what is essentially the same product is not allowed (e.g. creating multiple threads like "Facebook scraped Data Iran 12k Users", "Facebook scraped data USA 421k Users", "Facebook scraped data UK 210K Users" etc wouldn't be allowed).
If you're selling cracked lines from databases, you must prove to staff that you have uniquely cracked lines that have not been seen before.
If you're selling data that has been checked to be registered against specific websites (e.g. You're selling Numbers checked against WhatsApp) you must state the original source of the data if it's a public source (e.g. Using the numbers from the Facebook Scrape).
If you're buying data it is assumed that you aren't allowed to leak the data publicly unless the seller allows you to. Leaking data that has been sold to you without the permission of the seller is grounds to be permanently banned.
Selling any type of NSFW content (Porn) isn't allowed (Including content you made yourself, or other peoples content).
5) Reputation System Rules
You are not allowed to ask for, buy, sell, or trade reputation (You may ask after a deal is made, only exception).
You can't give reputation to someone for no clear reason (I.e. simply calling someone a "Retard"). You MUST give a valid reason (I.e. "User doesn't know how to code and is dumb, look at this proof: {proof}").
You aren't allowed to spam positive or negative reputations, and you cannot give someone negative reputation claiming they are a scammer without proof.
In cases where someone has given you negative reputation, you are allowed to message the person who gave you it and ask for clarification // if you could have it changed if you feel it's unfair.
Besides the four rules listed above, you are allowed to give reputation for any reason.
Any violations of the Reputation rules can lead to all of your positive reputation being deleted, and all of the reputation you've given others.
6) Disallowed Blackhat Activity
Drug Sales, Weapon Sales, and "Violence-as-a-service" are not allowed.
Sales of real IDs/Documents are not allowed. Reasoning as to why can be found here.
Selling or Posting Credit/Debit cards is not allowed, and will result in you being banned instantly.
7) Impersonation & Username Policy
Your username cannot resemble someone else's or any of the usernames we have blacklisted.
Making your profile look like a staff members is not allowed (Copying Profile photo, Username color etc).
You cannot act like a staff member to confuse other users (I.e. replying to scam report threads acting like staff).
You are not allowed to claim the Username of popular users on other forums (I.e.,, to appear as them.
Your username must be visible. Do not modify your Username color to appear "invisible".
If you go inactive for 3 months or more and do not have a paid rank we reserve the right to give another user said username.