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ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - Printable Version

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ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - Lord.hushu - 06-20-2023

Hello Rebreached Community,
Today I have uploaded the ToonDoo Database for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!

[Image: ToonDoo.png]

In August 2019, the comic strip creation website ToonDoo suffered a data breach. The data was subsequently redistributed on a popular hacking forum in November where the personal information of over 6M subscribers was shared. Impacted data included email and IP addresses, usernames, genders, the location of the individual and salted password hashes.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - G0LD - 07-11-2023

CREATE TABLE `UserDetails` (
  `USER_ID` bigint(19) NOT NULL,
  `NAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `ALLOW_INAPP` varchar(255) DEFAULT '0',
  `USERPICTURE` varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
  `CITY` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
  `COUNTRY` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
  `BLOG` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
  `GENDER` varchar(10) DEFAULT '',
  `ALLOW_MAILS` varchar(10) DEFAULT '1',
  `ALLOW_USER_MAILS` varchar(255) DEFAULT '1',
  `ALLOW_WATCH` bigint(19) DEFAULT '0',
  `EMAIL` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `PASSWORD` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  `SALT` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `TEMP_EMAIL` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL,
  `USER_IP` varchar(25) DEFAULT '',
  UNIQUE KEY `PreventDuplicateUserDetails` (`NAME`)

INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('1', 'rajendran', '1', 'rajendran.png', 'Chennai', 'India', '', 'To be or not to be, has always been the question.\r\nRight now, I am delaying attempting an answer. To Doo a ToonDoo is my current ambition!', 'M', '1', '0', '2007-03-20 05:08:39', '0', '', '6LZsdX8qIQxuy1hoiv8ZoA==', '1200902872202', '', '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('301', 'duraionly', '1', 'duraionly.jpg', 'chennai', 'India', '', 'nothing special to say.', 'M', '1', '0', '2007-03-20 11:11:09', '0', '', 'N7H8/qtOI/0T4GRRep7DBA==', '1203057768465', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('601', 'arun', '1', 'arun.jpg', 'chennai', 'India', '', 'see mirror!', 'M', '1', '0', '2007-03-20 21:49:36', '0', '', 'smINTljQs8KJJVFTMChZTQ==', '1208272183197', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('602', 'leondias', '1', 'leondias.jpg', 'Sparta', 'Greece', '', '', '', '1', '1', '2007-03-20 21:52:23', '0', '', 'fyuxRyUppVcxq3zayF/KBw==', '1174456172859', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('603', 'achilles', '1', 'achilles.jpg', 'Chennai', 'India', '', 'Let me save the words for others to say about me.', '', '1', '1', '2007-03-20 21:52:27', '0', '', 'ImLZvbP6hFZa2VTHRAYcDQ==', '1174456178267', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('604', 'plash', '0', 'plash.jpg', 'chennai', 'India', '', '', 'M', '1', '0', '2007-03-20 22:10:23', '0', '', '0w3zWcl3oFirqbPQGXP/6w==', '1197277438404', '', '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('605', 'pattani', '1', 'pattani.JPG', '', 'Ireland', '', '', '', '1', '1', '2007-03-20 22:15:49', '0', '', 'u70TKP9+ok0AH7PjyZYiTw==', '1174455296859', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('606', 'prakashan', '1', 'prakashan.jpg', '', 'India', '', '', 'M', '1', '0', '2007-03-20 22:25:23', '0', '', 'D4lzuOyHDCataNwXg/ihhQ==', '1187079380678', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('607', 'revathy', '1', 'revathy.jpg', 'chennai', 'India', '', '', 'F', '1', '1', '2007-03-20 23:04:42', '0', '', 'nWV4AphywvuWfJjEOzfjpQ==', '1199945959912', '', '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('608', 'aruljose', '1', 'aruljose.jpg', 'Chennai', 'India', '', '', '', '1', '1', '2007-03-20 23:27:50', '0', '', 'sU4oLq/rJXrVOSL44M/Esw==', '1174643588173', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('901', 'princess', '1', 'princess.jpg', '', 'Suriname', '', '', 'F', '1', '1', '2007-03-22 01:11:55', '0', '', 'XKJw/lKaIIfE8IBnWhzgfQ==', '1174553684010', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('902', 'jayamalini', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1', '1', '2007-03-22 05:22:44', '0', '', '7rp17zUrJKz5ld3/DqA8kA==', '1174459886289', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('1201', 'shibu12345', '1', 'shibu12345.jpg', 'Chennai', 'India', '', 'Just born.', '', '1', '1', '2007-03-22 10:29:36', '0', '', 'csTQpcYfYngTTlepyOk/6Q==', '1174588305242', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('1202', 'aravind', '0', 'aravind.jpg', 'Chennai', 'India', '', '', 'M', '1', '1', '2007-03-22 10:39:37', '0', '', 'Tc+rYwZDBE8M9xK5LaLHKg==', '1174457647934', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('1203', 'sandhiya', '1', 'sandhiya.jpg', '', 'India', '', '', 'F', '1', '0', '2007-03-25 22:57:16', '0', '', 'xbkNkLxdf6cor1kv48S8JQ==', '1195130592070', '', '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('1204', 'rajkumar', '1', '', '', 'Select a Country', '', '', '', '1', '1', '2007-03-26 01:33:02', '0', '', 'Q4Zv7I8PHv3hl1YP35wE+w==', '1200896766105', NULL, '');
INSERT INTO `UserDetails` VALUES ('1501', 'Balaji', '1', 'Balaji.jpg', 'Chennai', 'India', '', 'Hahaha :)', 'M', '1', '1', '2007-03-27 11:33:10', '0', '', 'kkjU1ppxD9HuhFNnxxNGGA==', '1185015099192', NULL, '');

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - Sohato - 09-06-2023

(06-20-2023, 08:03 AM)Lord.hushu Wrote:
Hello Rebreached Community,
Today I have uploaded the ToonDoo Database for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!

[Image: ToonDoo.png]

In August 2019, the comic strip creation website ToonDoo suffered a data breach. The data was subsequently redistributed on a popular hacking forum in November where the personal information of over 6M subscribers was shared. Impacted data included email and IP addresses, usernames, genders, the location of the individual and salted password hashes.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames

what!!!!!!! like this one

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - zakhzt - 11-23-2023


RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - ZJG - 01-03-2024

ty Wink

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - zakhzt - 01-03-2024

thak you

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - Shell333 - 01-03-2024

thanks for the free accounts

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - ironman009 - 01-18-2024

thank you for this

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - Will45 - 02-23-2024

Thanks for your share.

RE: ToonDoo Database - Leaks, Download! - poopy12 - 02-26-2024
