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GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - Printable Version

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GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - Lord.hushu - 06-20-2023

Hello Rebreached Community,
Today I have uploaded the GoNinja Database for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!

[Image: goninja.png]

In approximately December 2019, the gaming website GoNinja suffered a data breach that impacted 5.2 million users. The breach included Email Addresses, IP addresses, Usernames and Passwords stored as Vbulletin hashes.

Compromised data: Email Addresses, IP addresses, Usernames, Passwords


Hidden Content

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - G0LD - 07-11-2023

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pre_ucenter_members`;
CREATE TABLE `pre_ucenter_members` (
  `uid` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `username` char(80) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户名,唯一',
  `password` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `email` char(80) NOT NULL COMMENT '邮箱,唯一',
  `open_auth` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '第三方登录认证ID',
  `myidkey` char(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `regip` char(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `regdate` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `lastloginip` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `lastlogintime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `salt` char(6) NOT NULL,
  `secques` char(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`uid`),
  UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`),
  KEY `email` (`email`)

INSERT INTO `pre_ucenter_members` (`uid`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `open_auth`, `myidkey`, `regip`, `regdate`, `lastloginip`, `lastlogintime`, `salt`, `secques`) VALUES
(1005, 'minzhuninja', '98e81ac48c2bc111e33cc866cfc5a1f6', '', '', '', '', 1425882222, 0, 0, 'ea57f1', ''),
(1006, 'minzhu', '58d5ca2dcd65644f26b2e2c2b73a81d2', '', '', '', '', 1425882297, 0, 0, '919658', ''),
(1010, 'xiaobai', '3a190b8ae736da3e9f33b2b979c02208', '', '', '', '', 1426579360, 0, 0, '173599', ''),
(1011, 'ghostee', '5b136c8ebcfb3ba98b6987c92087ef43', '', '', '', '', 1427168733, 0, 0, 'db638b', ''),
(1012, 'yinhai', 'c7d92d7fb5e77738ef00ab8056474669', '', '', '', '', 1427350044, 0, 0, 'c98f6c', ''),
(1013, 'lalala', '8af85dad6adc5f728708a34e2f687d8d', '', '', '', '', 1427366947, 0, 0, '35215a', ''),
(1014, 'BlueCat', 'fd2f5b8fc8b43bf69b870ab272236acf', '', '', '', '', 1427551615, 0, 0, 'f0d35d', ''),
(1015, 'balalala', '63792793eb6729436a9b961f461055c6', '', '', '', '', 1427768667, 0, 0, 'b7b119', ''),
(1016, 'erqrqrqq', '3220b164c18462ac700aaf822efc2ff5', '', '', '', '', 1427786694, 0, 0, '6df754', ''),
(1017, 'fafqqrqrq', '3811311d0294de1e68ca6aff213a0836', '', '', '', '', 1427943855, 0, 0, 'f46bbd', ''),
(2237, '', 'ac0dc0ac0dc060ec47b0977d61459b33', '', 'C_101_AbxHGY6RETQ0tjBy', '', '', 1429061329, 0, 0, '164c9a', ''),
(1019, 'youandme', '6364b77f8fdb4798de285f92cfa7ce85', '', '', '', '', 1428065061, 0, 0, '5d9493', ''),
(1020, 'Thomas', '52a1b1e525e88cdd51a100d28e660c76', '', '', '', '', 1428370809, 0, 0, '933363', ''),
(1021, 'Alisa6688', '13dac3fa8bdc8c17c41e53d134dd9e67', '', '', '', '', 1428394041, 0, 0, '906682', ''),
(1022, 'qazwsx', '8627c6150e421d54af16043c233c36a1', '', '', '', '', 1428394845, 0, 0, 'd3e706', ''),
(1023, '', 'c29f4e06b47fd40c90ca4fc732359c27', '', '6123ad66e92db5ce95c6f2ae1df2f0f9', '', '', 1428402674, 0, 0, '213535', ''),
(1024, 'metudy', '333a3d09c760906354bd6148bdb64496', '', '', '', '', 1428402796, 0, 0, 'cea711', ''),
(1025, 'Anrevo', 'bbf65b8518e250e23c0fbd0e85b8c589', '', '', '', '', 1428402820, 0, 0, '4bd552', ''),
(1026, 'labera', 'f463d47cfeb82729245505e53667d05a', '', '', '', '', 1428402981, 0, 0, '5c149c', ''),
(1027, 'iweqrqr', '811700ddc12b4394bc7384967ff8e623', '', '', '', '', 1428403016, 0, 0, '834c33', ''),
(1028, 'Sikkens', '23460a565c23ed10ce9e5b32730dbb04', '', '', '', '', 1428403084, 0, 0, 'cd01fe', ''),
(1029, 'zorky16', 'ba1d3209fb5f590c38d8e7f374f1a875', '', '', '', '', 1428403239, 0, 0, '77aaea', ''),
(1030, 'redandrej1', 'c2599a17935f1137c108d55c7db18b0e', '', '', '', '', 1428403320, 0, 0, '8c5af5', ''),
(1031, 'gedomaru', '977b0d08317014a2eafb53afaad53870', '', '', '', '', 1428403486, 0, 0, 'eda876', ''),
(1032, 'D3NS545', '4148b576809c55b4d5f067fbc0f92d14', '', '', '', '', 1428403539, 0, 0, '35a698', ''),
(1033, 'bertold01', '0ee5241a684624fff54d4f9348057fb4', '', '', '', '', 1428403618, 0, 0, '274093', ''),

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - Sasha - 08-13-2023

Thank you

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - Sherry23 - 08-14-2023

I don’t know how to open sql on ios ?

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - backstreetbo - 09-21-2023

cool as cucumber

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - zakhzt - 11-23-2023


RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - Kisoliu159 - 11-30-2023

Thank you

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - Valhalla - 12-04-2023

link updated

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - deyiri8693 - 12-04-2023

(06-20-2023, 10:42 AM)Lord.hushu Wrote:
Hello Rebreached Community,
Today I have uploaded the GoNinja Database for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!

[Image: goninja.png]

In approximately December 2019, the gaming website GoNinja suffered a data breach that impacted 5.2 million users. The breach included Email Addresses, IP addresses, Usernames and Passwords stored as Vbulletin hashes.

Compromised data: Email Addresses, IP addresses, Usernames, Passwords


thanks for sharing thius

RE: GoNinja Database - Leaks, Download! - zakhzt - 01-03-2024

thank you