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Favourite choice of entertainment? - Printable Version

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Favourite choice of entertainment? - bionaplus - 11-14-2023

maybe :DDD

RE: Favourite choice of entertainment? - omnilol101 - 12-11-2023

youtube or reddit. pretty much my go tos before bed.

RE: Favourite choice of entertainment? - 4444z - 12-12-2023

youtube everyday 😎

RE: Favourite choice of entertainment? - manic - 12-12-2023

would be titok if i had any self-control. sticking with youtube

RE: Favourite choice of entertainment? - soykaffy - 01-29-2024

various imageboards, 8, 4, sharty, lain, zzz, lambda ect + kiwi.
if you unironically use any normie social media you should kys

RE: Favourite choice of entertainment? - J0llyPI - 01-30-2024

Usually youtube. But their politic about pricing and adverts are crazy. I hope there will be any alternative one day