Will AI replace programmers
by dihethinec - 11-16-2023, 11:11 PM
I am a home taught programmer with a dreadful memory. 

I can spend a whole weekend trying to figure out a solution to a problem in php, learning along the way.

When it comes to the next time I have to look at the code (and my comments) I often can't figure out how I got it to work in the first place.

I only mention this because AI has changed everything for me.  I just throw the problem into Bing and out comes some code. Often doesn't work first time but that usually down to my poor question.

If I was just starting out at school I would have serious doubts about taking a programming career as I'm not sure there will be many programming jobs around in five years time?
It’s true that AI has revolutionized the way we approach programming, and it’s only going to get better from here. As for the job market, there are many programming jobs available and the demand for programmers is expected to grow in the coming years.
It’s also worth noting that programming is a skill that can be applied to many different fields, so even if the job market for traditional programming jobs were to shrink, there would still be many opportunities to use your skills in other areas.
There's some hysteria around AI right now, reminds me of the same thing for nocode tools in the past years. You still need expertise to use them, and need to understand the code.
If AI kills programming jobs, it will kill also almost all other intellectual professions, including managers for example.
AI makes a lot of mistakes. When i write the code i use it often but there are always something to change. AI have influence on entry point level. You have to know more to earn money in programming because the simplest tasks are made by AI.
It definitely improves programmers efficiency for sure. Hence, efficiency per programmer will be improved whcih means less programmer will be needed for current work. But it will also open up new oppurtunities and new jobs. So, short answer will be no.
No he don't replace programmer but helping yes
(11-16-2023, 11:11 PM)dihethinec Wrote: I am a home taught programmer with a dreadful memory. 

I can spend a whole weekend trying to figure out a solution to a problem in php, learning along the way.

When it comes to the next time I have to look at the code (and my comments) I often can't figure out how I got it to work in the first place.

I only mention this because AI has changed everything for me.  I just throw the problem into Bing and out comes some code. Often doesn't work first time but that usually down to my poor question.

If I was just starting out at school I would have serious doubts about taking a programming career as I'm not sure there will be many programming jobs around in five years time?
AI will help the programmers to build a better apps and I guess we will see a lot of new jobs for AI masters
Programming is not just about memorizing code but also developing problem-solving skills and understanding fundamental concepts.
AI arent good solo programmers they need some help to understan, they just cant handle it alone
I don't think so, artificial intelligence still makes a lot of mistakes, I feel that there is still a long way to go for AI to reach such a level of a developer

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